Perdictus Squirrel

The following so-called ‘crumbly dough’ is to be prepared on a board and requires a rest of half an hour in the refrigerator. Flour is crumbled with butter, kneaded with the unpeeled, grated egg whites, sugar, almond kernels, cinnamon and finely chopped (of course unsprayed) citrus peel to a dough. From this dough small croissants … Read more

Smoked Meat with Potato Cabbage

For the smoked meat, first peel and slice the potatoes, chop the bacon and onion into small cubes and slice the raw smoked meat. Heat the butter in a pan, fry the bacon and onion until golden, stir in the pressed garlic and leave to cool slightly. In the meantime, peel and core the apple, … Read more

Kenkey, Soured Corn Dumplings – Ghana

A great fish recipe to make yourself: Kenkey are always served cool and taste exceptionally good with fish stews as well as vegetable sauces of all kinds. Ferment the cornmeal dough for eight days. Then boil water (1) with salt. Stir half of the cornmeal dough with cold water (2) to form a thin paste … Read more

Violet Sugar

For the violet sugar, coarsely clean the violets and chop them very finely together with the sugar in a food processor. Put the sugar on a plate and let it air dry. This will take about a day. When the sugar is completely dry, you can blend it again in the food processor until fine. … Read more

Fennel Terrine with Shrimp and Cocktail Sauce

Cook the fennel cubes in salted water until al dente and cool. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees. For the farce, clean the fennel, cut into pieces and soften in a little water. Puree and cool. Season the cold scampi meat cut into pieces and chop in the cutter. At the beginning, mix in the … Read more

Meat with Cauliflower

Sauté the ragout pieces together with the onions in olive oil. Extinguish with wine, add salt, paradeis pulp, pelati and pepper and maybe pour water until the meat is covered. Simmer. When the meat is almost tender, add the washed cauliflower cut into roses. Continue cooking and do not stir anymore, just shake the saucepan … Read more

Lasagna Chips with Parmesan

For the lasagna chips with Parmesan, first cook the lasagna noodle sheets in boiling water according to package instructions until al dente. Then rinse with cold water, drain and pat dry. Cut pasta sheets into strips and brush with olive oil on both sides. Preheat oven to 200 °C. Place lasagna strips spaced apart on … Read more

Couscous with Saffron and Fried Shrimps

Maybe your new favorite bean dish: Heat couscous in poultry stock with a little bit of oil and swell for a few min. Then add the remaining chicken stock and saffron. Cut the beans into small lozenges. Peel the roots and cut into eight by eight millimeter cubes. Soak chickpeas and cook with a little … Read more

Red Beet Salad

Wash the beets and boil until soft. Peel while still hot and cut into sticks, salt. Boil water with vinegar, honey and caraway seeds. Pour over the beets and mix well. Leave to infuse. Meanwhile, tear the horseradish and spread over the beets. Serve the salad.