African Millet Flatbread

Rating: 3.2692 / 5.00 (26 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 12.0 (servings)



African millet flatbread is the basis of every meal in Eritrea, in the north-east of Africa, where it is called “Inschera”. Other dishes are often served on the flatbread (vegetable dishes, meat, lentils).

To make it, mix flour with yeast in lukewarm water in a baking bowl to form a smooth, viscous dough.

Leave to rest and ferment for three days at room temperature with the lid closed.

Then add hot water until it reaches the consistency of pancake dough.

Heat oil in a pan. Pour the dough in portions, cover and bake until the African millet flatbread is completely dry (it goes very quickly!).

Preparation Tip:

This African millet flatbread freezes well by placing parchment paper between each flatbread.

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