Ascolan Style Stuffed Olives

Rating: 3.7826 / 5.00 (23 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



First, soak 3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs in some soup. Finely chop the bacon and fry in olive oil, add minced meat and fry as well. Dilute the tomato paste with the remaining soup, stir in and continue cooking. Once the meat is cooked through, add the finely chopped chicken liver and fry for another 5 minutes. Mix the soaked breadcrumbs with 1 (!) egg and Parmesan and mix well with the meat. Season the mixture with cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Pit the olives and fill in the farce with the help of a mocha spoon or pastry bag. Coat the stuffed olives in flour, the remaining beaten eggs and breadcrumbs and deep-fry in hot oil until crispy. Drain on paper towels and serve.

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