Bread From Wholemeal

Rating: 3.5227 / 5.00 (44 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For bread made from whole grain, first shake the bag of natural sourdough well and, if necessary, warm it to lukewarm (40 °C) in a water bath.

Place the wholemeal in a large baking bowl and make a dent in the center. Stir yeast with about 3 to 5 tablespoons of lukewarm water and sugar to form a paste and pour into the flour cavity. Cover with a tea towel and leave in a well-tempered place (perhaps open oven at 50 degrees ) for about 15 min until the yeast bubbles.

Now add the remaining natural sourdough, sea salt, water and the remaining spices as desired and knead the dough well for 5 to 10 minutes (perhaps use a hand mixer with a dough hook). Cover the dough again with the tea towel and let it rise for 20 to 30 min.

Knead again and either shape the dough into a loaf or possibly put it into a greased loaf pan. It should rise in a warm place for about 30 min. until it has doubled in size. Then cut slightly with a sharp kitchen knife and brush with lukewarm water.

Bake in a heated oven at about 200 to 220 degrees (gas oven level 3 to 4) for about 60 minutes. It is advisable to put in a fireproof ramekin filled with water.

Preparation Tip:

For the bread made from wholemeal groats, stock up on a range of high-quality seasonings - it pays off!

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