Bread Soup with Mozzarella

Rating: 3.8593 / 5.00 (135 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For the bread soup with mozzarella, preheat the oven to 200°C (fan oven 180°C gas mark 3-4). Cut the bread into slices as thin as possible. Wash and dry the parsley, remove only the very coarse stems and roughly chop the rest. Wash and clean the peperoncino, peel the garlic and onions. Finely chop the peperoncino and garlic, halve the onions and cut into fine strips. Cut the block mozzarella into thin slices and heat the stock. Fill an ovenproof dish with layers of bread and cheese, sprinkling each layer with a little parsley, garlic, pepperoncino, and onion strips, and season with pepper. Salt is not necessary, because bread, stock and cheese are salted. Pour the stock over it and bake everything in the oven for about 20 minutes, until the surface is lightly browned. Ladle the bread soup with mozzarella into plates, garnish with basil and eat drizzled with oil.

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