Caramelized Almond Pancake

Rating: 3.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A cake recipe for all foodies:

Mix whipped cream, flour, cow’s milk, egg yolks and salt with a hand mixer. Heat a tablespoon of butter and drip it into the dough via the hand mixer. Beat the egg whites and fold them into the batter. Heat a tiny bit of butter in a frying pan, pour the batter in about

1 cm thick and bake like a pancake. Then tear into smaller pieces with 2 forks. Add again a little butter and sugar. Cook the Schamrrn at the highest temperature until the sugar starts to brown. Then add the almond kernels and continue to swirl until browned.

Vanilla cream is an excellent accompaniment to almond pancake. It can also be eaten with preserved fruit, such as cherries.

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