Cardinal Slices for “Round” Birthdays

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Total time: 1 hour


For the snow mass:

For the sponge mixture:

For the filling:


For the cardinal slices, place the numbers on trays lined with baking paper. Then prepare the dough masses – but first only from half of the ingredients!!! (1/2 mass for one top and one bottom of the numbers).

For the snow mixture, beat egg whites and granulated sugar until snowy. Stir in cornstarch. For the sponge cake, beat whole eggs, yolks, sugar until fluffy, sift flour mixed with baking powder over the top and mix in eggnog.

Pipe the beaten egg whites with a piping bag as the outer contours of the figures. Pipe the sponge in the spaces between the numbers, sprinkle with powdered sugar and place in a cold oven.

Bake at 160 °C for 30 minutes. Then bake the same for the second halves of the numbers. Turn the number (except zero) over so that you can then assemble them.

Let cool – turn over and peel off paper. Spread jam on the bottom of all pieces. Place the bottom parts of the numbers on the board lined with cake lace and spread with whipped cream (or pipe with piping bag).

Carefully place the top part on top and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Preparation Tip:

Quantities are for all parts of the cardinal slices - since I use only one oven, I make only half in each case and bake the numbers on twice (each top - and then bottom). Egg whites are needed 10 pcs - the remaining 6 you can use from the eggs for the sponge mixture (yolks).

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