Cold Lithuanian Soup – Chlodnik Litewski

Rating: 3.6667 / 5.00 (12 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For chlodnik litewski mix soured juice of red beets with cream and buttermilk. Season the chlodnik with salt and a pinch of powdered sugar.

Add dill, chives, onion powder, radish and a peeled cucumber cut into small cubes.

Then “ripen” the chlodnik in a cool place for about 2 hours and let it cool really well in the refrigerator about an hour before serving.

Before serving, quarter the eggs and place them in deep plates. Pour the now very cold soup over them and serve chlodnik litewski.

Preparation Tip:

Refine the chlodnik by adding cold roast veal cut into small cubes or boiled crab meat.

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