Couscous with Saffron and Fried Shrimps

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Maybe your new favorite bean dish:

Heat couscous in poultry stock with a little bit of oil and swell for a few min. Then add the remaining chicken stock and saffron.

Cut the beans into small lozenges. Peel the roots and cut into eight by eight millimeter cubes. Soak chickpeas and cook with a little liquid. Dice shallots. Peel garlic clove and cut into slices. Remove the tamarinds from the peel, then cut into working steps.

Put butter in a frying pan. Add roots, tamarinds, shelling beans, shallots and garlic and cook over medium heat until tender.

Season with salt and pepper. If necessary, add a little liquid.

Tip: The vegetables must be mixed and served on the spot after cooking with the couscous. This is because the chopped beans turn gray after a short time.

Break out the shrimp – except for the last tail segment – raw and score them two-thirds lengthwise. Season shrimp with salt and pepper. Heat butter in a frying pan and toast shrimp until tender.

Mix the couscous with the vegetables in the frying pan. Place the fried shrimp on top.

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