Cranberry and Cherry Spread From Pressure Cooker

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Wash and juice the cranberries in a pressure cooker, let cool and measure 500 ml.

Wash the cherries, drain, remove the stems, cut in half, remove the stones and weigh out 500 g. Roast the pine nuts in a coated frying pan without fat until golden brown and place on a plate.

Combine the cranberry juice, pine nuts, cherries and bourbon flavoring in a saucepan with jelling sugar and mix well. Bring everything to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly for at least 3 minutes, and remove from heat. Skim as needed and pour immediately into sterile jars.

Seal with twist-off lids, invert and let stand on lid for 5 minutes.

Turn jars to the other side frequently while cooling to distribute pine nuts evenly.

Preparation Tip:

Instead of pine nuts, you can also use slivered almond kernels.

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