Cutlet with Apple-Porree Vegetables

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



For pregnant and breastfeeding women: Quick main meal

Pork is particularly rich in vitamin B1, which is important for energy metabolism and nerve function. In addition, like all meats, it provides vitamin B12, which is essential for the growth of the child. So eat pork from time to time, but cut off fat edges before frying, otherwise it’s easy to get too many calories. Apple and leek add the meat with a lot of vitamin C ideally. They are also well tolerated by nursing mothers.

Cut the leek root and leaf ends into small pieces, slit the stalk and rinse thoroughly under running water. Cut into rings about 2 cm wide. Rinse apple, cut in half, remove core, cut apple into thin wedges. Heat oil in a heavy, large frying pan. Sear the chop heartily on both sides. Now add leek rings and apple slices. Season meat and vegetables with bell pepper, salt, paprika and thyme and steam for about 5 minutes. If it gets too dry, add a little water. When the leek is cooked, season the vegetable mixture repeatedly. Add to the chop at the table and top with a dollop of sour cream.

For variety, substitute fish fillet for the meat. This provides iodine and tastes good!

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