Gourmet Pan

Rating: 1.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For garnish:


1. make sparrows al dente in enough boiling salted water. Drain cooking water, rinse sparrows in cold water, drain.

Remove the skin from the onions and cut them into thin strips. Clean leeks, celery and mushrooms. Halve leeks lengthwise, cut diagonally into narrow strips. Cut celery and mushrooms into fine slices, apricots and plums into pieces.

Cut beef fillet into small, thick slices and fry in a wok in clarified butter. Do not fry the whole thing at once, but add the meat little by little. Add the onions and leeks and fry. 4.

Add celery. Pour in clear soup and bring to a boil. Add mushrooms and dried fruit and cook. Season everything with herb salt, pepper and a little bit of clear soup. Stir in garlic and sour cream or crème fraiche. Finally, fold in sparrows.

5. gourmet pan, garnish with celery greens and dried fruit.

Time needed : about 30 min.

Our tip: It is best to use fresh herbs for extra flavor!

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