Herbed Beef Tenderloin with Tomato Pine Nut Risotto

Rating: 3.375 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)

Beef tenderloin:

Tomato pine nut risotto:


Have fun preparing this mushroom dish!

Soak the mushrooms in hot clear soup, set aside. Rinse beef fillet, dry. Spread minced culinary herbs evenly on top. Roll up and tie with spagat like a roulade.

2. preheat oven to 200 °C. Season beef fillet all around with salt and pepper. 3.

3. brown on all sides in a roasting pan in hot clarified butter. Peel and quarter shallots and add. Add herb sprigs and sauté briefly. Roast beef fillet on medium heat for about 30 minutes. After about 15 minutes, add red wine. In the meantime, cook the tomato and pine nut risotto (see recipe below). Remove meat, wrap in aluminum foil and rest for approx. 10 min.

Pour meat juice through a sieve into a saucepan, add mushrooms with liquid. Simmer gently without lid for 5-10 min. Season to taste, thicken sauce as desired.

5. remove the split from the fillet of beef, cut the fillet into slices. Serve with mushroom sauce and pine nut risotto. Serve with steamed sugar snap peas.

Paradeiser pine nut risotto

1. peel and dice shallots. Sauté in 2 tbsp hot butter until translucent. Add long grain rice, sauté, deglaze with wine. Pour on some clear soup, season, bring to boil. Swell long grain rice at low heat for about 35 minutes, while gradually pouring in remaining clear soup while stirring.

2. tomatoes h

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