Lemon Parfait with Orange Sauce

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Total time: 45 min

Servings: 12.0 (servings)

For the parfait:

For the orange sauce:


2. stir the sugar into the lemon or lime juice over medium heat and let it boil once.

3. put the egg yolks in the mixing bowl on the water bath. gradually beat the hot lemon or lime juice into the egg yolks with the whisks of the mixer. Beat the egg mixture until just before boiling. Then beat in a cold water bath until cooled down. 4.

Whip the cream until stiff and fold into the egg mixture. 5.

Layer pistachios and egg mixture alternately in the lined mold. Last layer is pistachios. Cover parfait and place in freezer for 3 to 4 hours. Then defrost in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

In the meantime, remove the peel from the oranges and fillet them. 7.

Turn out thawed parfait, remove bag. Cut parfait into 1 cm thick slices. Cut slices in half crosswise. Serve with orange sauce (see below), orange fillets, sliced figs and hail sugar on well chilled plates.

Preparation time: 15 min Cooking time: 10 min

Chilling time: 3 to 4 hours

Squeeze a quarter l of juice from 3 to 4 oranges. Boil juice and zest with 1 cinnamon stick, 2 tbsp juice of one lemon and 30 g powdered sugar. Mix 11/2 tsp cornstarch with a little water until smooth, add to orange juice form and cook over medium heat for 3 minutes. Finally, fold in 1 to 2 tbsp orange liqueur. Pour the sauce through a sieve and cool before serving.

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