Medlar Vanilla Jam

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Total time: 1 hour



For the medlar vanilla jam is best to start preparing the day before. Carefully wash 1200 g of seasoned and doughy medlars without exerting much pressure, dry them and remove any remaining blossoms.

Cut in half or quarters, depending on the size. Press them out of the skin with your fingers, but without the skin some flavor is lost.

Place in a wide pot and just covered with about 0.5 L apple juice, simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Afterwards, strain through a float or a not too fine sieve (be careful, the seeds are very hard).

Weigh out 1 kg of medlar pulp (compensate for shortfall with apple juice) and allow to cool. Mix medlar pulp and jelling sugar in a wide, high pot. Cover and let steep overnight in a cool place.

The next day, wash the jam jars and lids, boil and sanitize with apple brandy, for example. Let them dry upside down. Place them directly in the place where they are to be filled (tray with cloth). Stir lemon juice into medlar preserving sugar mixture.

Then boil for about 6 minutes (follow the instructions on the sugar package) until bubbling. Stir constantly so that the medlar jam does not burn. Skim the medlar jam if necessary and then do the jelly test. Add the vanilla and bring to the boil again.

Pour the medlar jam as hot as possible, to the brim, into the prepared jars and seal immediately. Place the jars upside down on a tray covered with a damp cloth for 10 minutes. Then invert the jars again and let cool on the tray. Store in a cool, dark place.

For the jelly test, put some jam on a cold porcelain plate. If the jam gels, the medlar jam can be poured into jars.

Preparation Tip:

Medlars are harvested after the first frost. It is best not until the flesh is reddish brown. Frozen through medlars are easier to process.

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