Melanzane Salad

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Rinse and dry the melanzane. Cut stem base into small pieces. Cut into slices and then into strips. Season lightly with salt. Soak for 30 min., then drain. Make 10 min. in little salted water. Drain again. Cut the skinned sausage into strips and the hard-boiled, peeled eggs into slices. (keep a few egg slices for garnish) Mix mayo with mustard. Add canned milk. Also the juice of one lemon. Season to taste with sugar, salt and freshly ground pepper. Mix with remaining ingredients. Arrange in a baking dish. Garnish with egg slices and parsley.

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