Pigeons on Liver Sauce

Rating: 2.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




1. clean pigeons, rinse, dry, season inside and out with salt and season with pepper. Finely chop rosemary, 8 sage leaves and garlic. Rub the inside of the pigeons with it. Place 2 sage leaves on each pigeon, then wrap each with a slice of ham and tie tightly with spagat. Place the pigeons on the grill in the heated oven (175 °C, gas 2) on the 2nd rack from the bottom. Insert fat pan directly underneath and pour 1/2 cup of hot water into it (so that the escaping fat does not burn and become bitter). Roast pigeons like this for half an hour, turning frequently to the other side. In the meantime, for the sauce, clean, rinse, dry and coarsely dice the liver and giblets. Dice bacon and ham as well. Peel lemon (remove white inner skin as well), dice pulp. Crush juniper berries. Prepared sauce ingredients with capers, bay leaf, anchovies and peppercorns in the fat pan form. Pour wine and Íl. Cook pigeons and sauce for another half hour. Remove pigeons from heat, remove strings. Carefully cut pigeons in half lengthwise and keep warm repeatedly. 6. remove contents of fat pan, remove bay leaf, chop everything else together very finely and place in a saucepan. Fold in butter. Heat the sauce again. 7. arrange pigeon halves on liver sauce and serve with polenta.

Preparation time : 45

Our tip: Use a wonderfully spicy

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