Pizza Dough

Rating: 3.7535 / 5.00 (142 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the pizza dough, first pile up the flour and make a well in the center. Crumble the yeast and dissolve in the water. Pour into the center of the flour. Cover and let rise for about 15 minutes.

Sprinkle the salt on the flour. Mix only enough flour with the liquid in the center to make a moist dampfl. Again, cover and let rise for half an hour.

On a floured work surface, dust some flour over the dough and turn the dough in three times. Turn 90 degrees, sprinkle flour on top and turn in again three times (always just turn the dough in, but do not knead). Repeat until you have a smooth dough.

Moisten a sheet of baking paper. Oil a bowl and turn the dough over in it until it is covered all over with a thin layer of oil. Place the damp baking paper on top of the dough. Cover the bowl with a dish towel and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.

Remove, press together, and let stand at room temperature for another hour before proceeding.

Divide the pizza dough into 3-4 pieces and shape into pizzas. Top and bake as desired.

Preparation Tip:

From the recipe for pizza dough gives a little more than 1 kg of dough.

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