Pizza Dough Professional

Rating: 1.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 70.0 (Portionen)


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I work beside the study 2x week for week as a pizza maker. Here comes my pizza dough recipe. This is enough for about 70 pizzas with 24 cm ø each.

Mix well. Then fold in 2 kg flour type 405 without lumps with the kitchen mixer. Then cover the baking bowl with a wet dish and let this dampfl go for 10 min.

Then with a good hand mixer (min. 1000 watts) and dough hook or by hand (have fun!) work 3 kg of flour into the dough. When the dough just stops sticking, it is “good”!

Make sure you knead the dough well and accurately (without lumps). You’ll have more fun with it when you work it later.

Cover with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place for about 60 minutes. Then form child’s fist-sized balls of dough, “rise” for a moment, roll out to pizza size and shape with a rolling pin and pack onto oiled baking sheets.

Btw: The difficulty in making good pizza crust at home is the stove!

Pizza ovens are “driven” with temperatures of 350-400 °C. :-))

Other tips :

Use fresh yeast !!!

Use warm water to prepare the dough, but: the water temperature must not exceed 38 degrees, otherwise the yeast cultures will die of heat.

Let dough rest long enough after preparation. Approx. 60 min.

If you add a good shot of oil to the water, the dough will be much smoother and easier to prepare.

Greetings, Martin

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