Poppy Savarin on Strawberry Ragout

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For The Poppy Savarin:

For the strawberry ragout:


Poppy seed savarin: Make a roux with butter and flour. Bring the honey and milk to the boil and add to the roux, stirring gently for about 3 minutes. Remove the mixture from the stove, add the ground poppy seeds, egg yolks and rum. Whip the egg whites with the sugar until stiff and gently fold into the cooled mixture.

Fill the mixture into buttered and sugared savarin molds and pre-poach in a water bath. Bake in the oven at about 200 degrees. Strawberry ragout: cut a third of the strawberries into small cubes. Whisk the remaining strawberries. Season to taste and bring to the table with the poppy seed savarin. Garnish with a chocolate butterfly and a mint leaf.

Tip: Do you prefer milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Depending, use whichever you like better.

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