Roast Kid with Onion Sauce

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Preparation time:


The most difficult thing is to make the simple really good. Says Robert Stark and uses the example of kid to show what he means. Stark finds the good taste of young kid absolutely sensational. “A kid can tolerate any amount of salt and garlic.

To me, it can definitely have a geschmaeckle. Of course, the basic product must be right. If the kid still has the smell of milk on its skin and is not much bigger than a chicken, then it weighs between three and four kilos and is an absolute luxury product.

But even the little bit older ones with five to six kilos taste quite excellent, if you prepare them properly.” 1. from the kid shoulders cut the shanks in the joint.

Chop the pistils, tendons and fat on the meat parts.

2. Peel 2 cloves of garlic and chop very finely. Mix with Vi tsp salt. Grind garlic and salt to a very fine paste with the back of a knife. Season the meat with salt and rub the garlic paste into it accurately. The quality of the garlic is critical to this dish. Never take old garlic with thick sprouts, which is slightly yellowish and already a little soft. It will spoil the whole dish for you.

Peel the onions and cut them into coarse strips. Heat the olive oil in a shallow large Reindl. Sauté the onions and the remaining unpeeled garlic over medium heat for about 10 minutes until “blond”. This is how Ro

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