Rollgerstlrisotto with Chicken Fillets

Rating: 3.5294 / 5.00 (17 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Put the rolled barley with the white wine in a closed bowl and leave to infuse for about 1 hour. Then pre-cook in the steamer for 15 min. at cooking vegetables 100 ° C. Add the vegetable stock, stir well and cook for another 15 min.

In the meantime, salt and pepper the chicken fillets and steam for 15 min. at cooking vegetables 100 °.

Salt and pepper the rolled barley risotto, fold in the butter, grated Parmesan, herbs and whipped cream. Refine with a tablespoon of truffle oil.

Arrange the risotto on plates, cut the chicken fillets and place them on the risotto.

Cooking:Steamer setting cooking vegetables 100 ° C 2 times 15 minutes.

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