Salmon Slices on Green Pepper Sauce

Rating: 3.7857 / 5.00 (56 Votes)

Total time: 30 min


For the pepper sauce:


Season the salmon slices and fry in olive oil on the skin side over low heat. Baste frequently and acidify with lemon. Continue frying for 5 minutes. Finish cooking in the pan at 200 °C in the oven for 8 minutes on medium heat & keep warm.

For the pepper sauce, reduce the white wine to the minimum, pour in fish stock, mix in cream & continue to simmer. Season and add the green peppercorns.

Before serving, stir in the cold butter to thicken the sauce. Pour the green pepper sauce on a plate & place the salmon slices in it.

Preparation Tip:

Whether black, red, white or green pepper, the grains always come from the same bush, only the harvest time varies. Green pepper are the unripe fruits, which are mainly offered pickled in brine or vinegar.

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