Salmon Trout Fillet with Salsify and Spinach

Rating: 3.7195 / 5.00 (82 Votes)

Total time: 15 min



Wash and peel the salsify, coat with lemon juice and soak briefly in milk. Remove salsify and boil with 100 ml water, wine and salt for about 8 minutes until soft. Lift the roots out of the cooking water, stir in the cream and let the sauce reduce (boil down) to a third. Meanwhile, season the boned salmon trout fillets with salt and pepper. Heat some olive oil in a pan and fry the fillets quickly on the skin side. Turn once briefly and then finish frying on the skin side. Cut the salsify into coarser pieces. Add to the salsify sauce together with the spinach. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Arrange the vegetables on warmed plates, pour the sauce over them and arrange the fish fillets on top.

Preparation Tip:

RECOMMENDATION: parsley potatoes or cream polenta

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