Schmork Rabbit

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Meat rinse, dry, coat with mustard. Finely dice bacon, fry in roasting pan. Take out, put aside.

Preheat oven (200 °C). Brown meat in bacon fat and oil on all sides. Cut onions into cubes and fry. Sprinkle with flour, fry briefly, then pour wine, vinegar, a little bit of clear soup (1/81). Add salt, cloves, crushed peppercorns and juniper berries, cinnamon and thyme.

Cover and simmer in the stove for about 70 minutes. Pour in clear soup twice.

Cut savoy cabbage leaves into 4×4 cm patches, blanch in boiling hot water for 2 min. Rinse with cold water, drain. Steam cabbage with butter for approx. 10 min. until tender. Season with salt and nutmeg. Sprinkle with bacon cubes.

Cook noodles in salted water. Remove cooked rabbit parts from sauce and keep warm. Pour the sauce through a sieve and simmer on the stove. Drain the pasta and serve.

Sweet dessert for those with a sweet tooth 150 g dark chocolate 3 egg yolks

1 egg

50 g sugar

2 tbsp coffee liqueur

1 tsp instant coffee

3 egg whites

150 g crème fraîche

Break dark chocolate into small pieces and stir in a small saucepan in a water bath until smooth.

Place egg yolks with one sugar, egg, coffee liqueur, instant coffee in a large enough bowl, beat with electric mixer over steam for 5 to 7 minutes until creamy.

Remove the baking bowl from the water bath, mix the amount approx.

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