Spinach Ricotta Dumplings And

Rating: 1.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Nutmeg, freshly grated Fresh chervil leaves, aettchen, – a one ine handful.

For the dumplings cut toast into cubes. Heat milk and pour over it. Clean the spinach leaves, rinse and chop. Dice onion and garlic. Sauté in a tbsp. of butter. Add spinach and toss together. Drain well. Knead into bread with ricotta and egg. Season with salt and grated nutmeg. Rest for 15 min. Cut spring onions in half lengthwise, rinse and cut into 5cm long pieces. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into quarters. Form 12 dumplings from the dough. Cook in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Roast spring onions and mushrooms in a tbsp. of butter for a few minutes. Serve with the dumplings. Toss crème fraîche in frying pan, season lightly with salt. Cut chives into rolls and fold in. Sprinkle with chervil leaves.

Per unit

approx. 40 min

Our tip: Always use fresh chives if possible!

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