Strawberry Mascarpone Tartlet

Rating: 3.8824 / 5.00 (136 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


Cookie patch:

Mascarpone mousse:


For the strawberry mascarpone tarts, line the baking sheet with paper and preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Beat the eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt over a bain-marie until warm and then cold. Mix flour and wheat starch and fold into egg mixture. Spread batter on baking sheet and bake at about 200 degrees until golden brown. Turn stain out onto sugared paper and peel off paper.

For the mascarpone mousse, soak gelatin in cold water for 5 minutes and squeeze well. Blend strawberries and mix with mascarpone, yogurt, powdered sugar and lemon juice until smooth and whip cream until stiff.

Beat egg whites with granulated sugar until firm and creamy. Dissolve gelatine with a little mascarpone mixture by heating and stir into the remaining mixture. Carefully fold in cream and snow.

Fill mousse into 10 tartlet rings, cover with suitably cut out sponge cake and refrigerate strawberry mascarpone tartlets for at least 12 hours.

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