Strawberry Melon Jam

Rating: 4.8105 / 5.00 (992 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For the strawberry-melon jam, rinse the strawberries in cold water, remove the flower buds and cut the flesh into pieces. Squeeze the lemon. Cut the honeydew melon into pieces as well. Place the fruit in a saucepan with the lemon juice and the preserving sugar. Bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes until bubbly and puree with a hand blender. Smaller pieces can and should still be retained, however.

Make the jelly test. To do this, drip some of the juice onto a cold plate. If it becomes firm, the jam is ready. If not, let the mixture cook a little longer.

Pour the strawberry-melon jam into prepared twist-off glasses. Drizzle a little alcohol over the top, light and seal immediately. Place on a tea towel with the lid down and let cool.

Preparation Tip:

Using the same recipe, you can make a delicious strawberry-mango jam. Replace the honeydew melons with the same amount of mango pulp.

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