Strawberry Mint Ice Cream

Rating: 3.6364 / 5.00 (11 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



Allow 20 minutes for preparation time, total time until consumption is 3.3 hours.

Wash the mint leaves, dab dry and chop finely. Wash, clean and halve the strawberries. Finely puree the mint, syrups, orange zest, lemon juice and orange juice.

Pour the mixture through a sieve, add the half cream and freeze everything in the ice cream maker. If you don’t have one, put the mixture in a large shallow bowl and freeze, stirring several times.

To serve, dip a glaze spoon in hot water and cut out dumplings or balls from the mixture. Place in dessert bowls or glasses and serve garnished with the mint leaves.

Preparation Tip:

Another fruit syrup can be used or 110 ml of lauter sugar.

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