Stuffed Mushrooms Au Gratin

Rating: 3.6792 / 5.00 (53 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Prepare the mushrooms for the stuffed mushrooms au gratin: Carefully turn out the stem, remove the lamellae and hollow out the heads slightly with a baller. Chop the stems and mushroom mixture into small pieces and chill the mushrooms in the refrigerator.

Wash chicken or veal liver, pat dry, clean and cut into cubes.

Grate ginger so that about the amount of a hazelnut comes out.

Divide chili pepper, remove seeds, scrape out flesh and chop finely – it is best to use disposable gloves.

Skin tomatoes, remove seeds and also cut into cubes.

Grind porcini mushrooms in a blender to a fine powder. Peel onion and cut into smallest cubes. Wash and chop the parsley and set aside some for decoration.

In a small saucepan, heat 200 ml of strong vegetable soup – everything should be ready, as the processing should go quickly.

Mix the crème fraîche with the egg yolk and season with salt and pepper. Prepare small ovenproof dishes. Preheat oven to 180 degrees convection.

Melt butter in pan – not too hot or it will burn. First sauté onions until translucent (about 5 minutes). Add liver and sauté briefly. Add chili, ginger, tomato pieces, diced mushrooms and parsley and saute briefly. Season with porcini powder, pepper and salt and deglaze with some soup and let evaporate.

Place 2 mushrooms on each ramekin and fill with the liver mixture 1 tsp. crème fraîche ma

Preparation Tip:

The ingredients for the baked stuffed mushrooms can also be prepared the night before and stored in the refrigerator. If you are expecting guests, you have already shifted part of the work to the day before.

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