Sugar Melon Grape Jam

Rating: 3.8333 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For the sugar melon grape jam, rinse jars hot, drain and drizzle the bottom with a little rum. Leave upside down until ready to use.

Cut melon in half, remove seeds and scrape out. Bring to a boil with the washed grapes, jelling sugar and citric acid. Puree with a hand blender, continue to cook until jellied.

Depending on your preference, strain through a sieve or immediately fill into the jars with the peel particles. Seal airtight and let stand upside down for about 10 minutes. Then invert and let cool.

Store the sugar melon grape jam in a cool, dark place.

Preparation Tip:

This sugar melon grape jam brings variety to the breakfast table. This jam is also perfect for preparing cakes, pies or other sweet dishes.

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