Summer Coupe

Rating: 3.8387 / 5.00 (155 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the summer coupe, clean the strawberries and cut into small cubes. Peel the banana, cut into small slices and mix with the strawberries as quickly as possible. Immediately puree finely with lemon juice and sugar.

Soak and warm the gelatin according to package directions. Add the strawberry-banana puree by the spoonful to the dissolved gelatin and stir. Then quickly stir in the remaining strawberry-banana puree. Add crème fraîche and strawberry liqueur and mix everything together to a smooth cream. Let this chill in the refrigerator for a few hours.

To serve, cut the strawberries in half or quarters, depending on their size. In a clean, cold container, whip the whipped cream until firm. Using your fingers, break up the wind baked pastry into individual coarser pieces.

To finish, fill coupe glasses decoratively in layers with strawberries, strawberry-banana cream, whipped cream and wind baked pastry. Bring the summer coupe to the table immediately.

Preparation Tip:

Always use organic lemons for cooking, as you did here with the summer coupe, if possible!

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