Tebirkes – Danish Poppy Seed Rolls

Rating: 4.2222 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 16.0 (servings)


Glaze And For Sprinkling:


Put the flour and half the butter in the baking bowl of the food processor form. Grate the butter into the flour with both hands until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add the yeast mixture, mix briefly and knead on speed 1 for about 4 min, then add the salt and knead on speed 3 for a further 4 min until you have a soft, elastic dough that comes away from the baking bowl fairly easily (for ojakangas, knead the dough by hand). Knead the dough briefly on lightly floured work surface, then shape into an oiled baking bowl, turn to the other side, and rise, covered, for about 20-half hours.

Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.

Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a square with 40 cm sides. Spread the remaining butter on one half of the dough (Petra: first put small flakes, then spread almost as evenly as possible), leaving a border of about 1 cm unbroken.

Fold the unbuttered half over the buttered half, pressing well to smooth, exceptionally the edges. Fold the dough again with the long side and press it smooth. You should keep a piece of dough about 7, 5-10 cm wide and about 50 cm long.

Cut the piece of dough in half with a pastry cutter. Brush the surface of the dough with a mixture of egg white and water and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Cut about (7-)8 triangles from one half with the cookie cutter and place on one of the prepared baking sheets.

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