Wild Garlic Cream Soup with Salmon and Green Asparagus Spears

Rating: 3.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Extra tip:


A more wonderful asparagus recipe:

1. peel bottom third of asparagus spears and cut ends into small pieces. Cut asparagus spears into 1/2 cm thick slices. Heat olive oil in a saucepan and steam asparagus slices in it until tender, about 3 minutes.

2. Add 1/2 liter (500 ml ) of cold water, mix in the contents of the sachet Feinschmecker Bärlauchcreme Suppe and cook at low temperature for 3 min. Stir from time to time.

3. rinse salmon fillet, dry and cut into 2 cm pieces. Add to the hot soup and cook for about 4 min.

Stir the parsley into the soup, divide evenly into the bowls and bring to the table.

Extra tip: Refine the soup with 1 tbsp. crème fraîche.

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